Главная » Перчатки для рыбалки » Спаситель с подогревом перчатки ночь Велосипеды езда Спорт на открытом воздухе Отражатели водонепроницаемый ветрозащитный согреться 3 уровня управления SHGS21B

Спаситель с подогревом перчатки ночь Велосипеды езда Спорт на открытом воздухе Отражатели водонепроницаемый ветрозащитный согреться 3 уровня управления SHGS21B

Model: SHGS21B


People using: Unisex

Material:waterproof softshell with super fiber,

Color: black grey

Heating: back side with all five fingers.

Level: 3 levels control.

Function: waterproof, windproof, heating.

Fit for: winter use, cycling, sking, riding, outdoor sports.


1 pair of Savior heated gloves

2pcs lithium-ion 7.4V,2200mAh rechargeable batteries

1pcs 8.4V multiple port charging system

1pcs instruction manual


Getting started

Always remove the batteries from your gloves when charging.

Charge your batteries at room temperature for three hours prior to first use.

The LED light one the charger will illuminate RED while charging.

The LED light one the charger will illuminate GREEN when charging is complete.

Carefully connect the power wire inside the glove storage pocket to the battery

Position the battery inside storage pocket and seal velcro along the top to secure the battery in place.

Heat Settings

When batteries are installed the glove,Press on/off button first time 3 seconds, the heat setting to high(Red LED light will illuminate).

Press ON/OFF button second time to reduce the heat setting to Medium(White LED light will illuminate)

Press ON/OFF button a third time to reduce the heat setting to low(Blue LED light will illuminate)

Press ON/OFF button 3 seconds to turn glove heat system off

Heating time chargt

100% heat: 2.5-3 hours

66% heat: 3-4 hours

33% heat: 5-6 hours

Heating time may vary based on environmental conditions.

Wash and Care

Remove batteries from gloves when being cleaned and stored

Do not machine wash

Do not machine dry

Do not bleach

Do not iron

Do not dry clean

Spot clean gloves by hand using only mild detergent

Air dry gloves lying flat


Glove, batteries and all connections should be inspected prior to use

Unplug the batteries from the charger once the batteries are fully charged

Gloves, batteries and charger are not compatible with any other product

Carefully Connect and disconnect batteries and power cords to aviod internal damage to glove wiring

Gloves and batteries should not be stored in high temperature environments

Do not use when sleeping

Children should be supervised when using this products

Limited Warranty

(batteries,charger& heat components)

Lithium-ion batteries, charger and heated components are covered under warranty for a period of six(6) months from the date of purchase. Batteries need to be charged before storage and at least once every 3 months of sttorage thereafter to prolong the batttery life. Over time, lithium batteries tend to lose their capaity due to the chemical nature of lithium batteries. Erratic charging and heat speed up this degradation. Batteries should nerver be stored in extreme temperature environments.

Limited Warranty


Savior gloves are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (1) year from the date of purchase. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied. Should a warranty claim arise, return the gloves to your dealer with proof of purchase. The dealer will forward the gloves to the distributor for evaluation by the manufacturer at no additional cost to the purchaser. Damage to the heating system and parts resulting from accident,fire, water damage, misuse, unauthorized service, or negligence will void the warranty. This warranty covers product replacement or repair only and does not cover items damaged as a result of the failure of this product. This warranty is non-transferable.


Характеристики товара
Пол: Мужчины
Тип: С пальцами
Артикул: SHGS20B
Особенности: Долговечный
function: heating
heating elements: carbon fiber
Color: black
battery type: lithium polymer battery
button: 3 levels smart control
battery: 7. 4V, 2200mAh
charger: smart dual charger
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Общая информация


Просмотров: 440
Число заказов: 5
Категория: Перчатки для рыбалки
Дата добавления: 13-09-2016, 13:49
В корзину 9
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Фотографии товара
28 августа 2017 11:33
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